Wednesday, June 1, 2011

This blog thing...

I'm always the last to get on the band wagon for anything.  Like cellphones (I still use a phone with no camera capabilities...gasp!), ipods, or DVDs...Jeremy and I were both slow to convert.  Blogging is another technology I've been resisting.  I don't like the idea of complete strangers reading what I write and seeing photos of my family.  But a few friends of mine recently told me how they have turned their blogs into books that are bound.  I love to journal, but run out of steam when I am writing by hand.  I would much rather type.  And I've lost any desire to scrapbook our photos.  So, I've decided to try this blog thing, solely for the purpose of a journal, with pictures and all that can be bound as a book at the end of the year. I'm kind of excited.  Without further I go.  Hello, blogosphere!

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