Friday, February 10, 2012

At Last...

One of the great trials of Hayden's young life thus far has been the stubborn persistence of his two front teeth.  Being nearly 8 and not having lost a single tooth is almost too ghastly to mention.  When all of his second grade class has lost one or more teeth already...well, you can imagine the turmoil of his poor little soul.  However, Hayden has endured this hardship fairly well, with only the occasional, "Why ME?"

On Tuesday when Jeremy and Hayden went to the dentist for checkups, Jeremy asked Dr. Waite to just yank Hayden's front teeth out on the sly and put him out of his misery.   Not wanting to tramatize him, Dr. Waite didn't pull, but instead wiggled them around a lot to hopefully speed up the process.

So imagine my surprise when I see a beaming gap-toothed Hayden walking towards me when I went to pick him up from school that day.  He proudly told me that Ashton, a classmate, had backed into him and knocked his tooth right out.  He reenacted the scene, going into great detail about the amount of blood lost.  He walked around the rest of the day, flaunting his gaping hole like a badge of honor.  After giving it some thought, he wondered if he could ask Ashton to knock his other tooth out. :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Express Yourself

Bridger is an expressive little guy.  Sometimes when he is talking I don't hear much of what he says because I get so wrapped up in the crinkling of his face, the arching of his eyebrows and the finger-pointing and gesturing involved.  He talks non-stop it seems and has recently used new words like  "aksully" (actually) and "whomunis" (humongous).   Never a dull moment with this one!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snow, Glorious Snow

The day the boys have been waiting for finally arrived on Friday...a Snow Day.  Nothing brings children more joy then the cancellation of school or an excuse to stay in pajamas all day long.  And there really is something so cozy about being tucked safe and sound in your warm house while the storm rages outside.  I baked some bread and Jeremy amazed us with his culinary prowess by making a pork roast in the pressure cooker all by his little self. 

We received over a foot of snow, with the drifts in the backyard going up to Hayden's shoulders.  The boys were in heaven when it finally stopped snowing and blowing long enough to go out and play in it.  However, no one enjoyed it more than Finley, who bounded gleefully about, crashing through the drifts.  I think these pictures speak for themselves.