Friday, September 20, 2013

Pinewood Demolition Derby

This was Hayden's first year for the Pinewood Derby and it was no ordinary derby, it was a demolition derby, where cars are pushed down a track toward each other and whichever car stays on the track wins. Jeremy and Hayden both worked hard on their cars and we all thought they looked pretty snazzy.

 This was his car's first run down the track.

 His car beat out everyone in his Wolf pack.  He then came up against the winner of the Bear pack. A boy named Beau with his car aptly named The Hornet because of a nail that was glued to the front.  Fierce competition, but The Hornet was no match for Hayden's car and he won that round as well. This smile was plastered on his face through it all.

You can tell by his expression that he is getting down to business.  This was the final race to determine the champion of the whole demolition derby.  It was such a close race!  After many crashes, Hayden came in second place.

 Hayden with his winning car.  Such a fun night!

Receiving his award.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

I took the boys out this week to try and get a few pictures.  The word "ice cream" was strategically thrown about in hopes of enthusiastic cooperation from all parties involved.  Hayden and Gannon whole-heartedly participated, smiling when asked, standing where needed.  Bridger on the other hand, contemplated ice cream for a moment, and decided that being a total goofball for every picture would be way more full-filling.  And are a few keepers and a lot of out-takes.

 Probably the ONLY picture where all 3 boys were looking nice.  Note, this is the very first picture that was taken.  It all went down hill from here.

 We are going down hill and picking up speed. :)

 "The Thinkers"

 Ready or not, here they come!