Saturday, July 21, 2012

Planting Tiny Seeds

I've missed planting a garden ever since we've moved to Colorado.  The growing season is short here and we don't really have room in our yard for a full-fledged garden, so this year, I told the boys that they could each have their own planter pot and choose what to grow in it.  Hayden and Gannon started out with carrots, radishes and Jack-Be-Little pumpkins, while Bridger and I had cilantro and Pumpkins too.  Between Finley knocking over pots and severe rain and hail storms, only the heartiest of our plants (the radishes and pumpkins) made it through.  Here is our miniscule harvest this year.  It may be small, but the boys' smiles were gigantic when they realized that food really does grow out of seeds. We had the cutest little pumpkins at the end of August, but we forgot to take pictures.  But I assure you, they were adorable. :)

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