Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Week 15 - Metal

Baseball is kind of my life right now.  Both Bridger and Gannon are playing, so we are either at practice or games most days of the week.  We are surrounded by things made out of metal at the ball field, so we took a couple of shots today.

Here is Gannon with his game face on. 

I love the narrow depth of field in my Dad's image.  You can see the metal plow in sharp detail as well as the breathtaking view of the river and farmland below.  Beautifully composed!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week 14 - Happiness

I really loved the prompt this week.  I only wish I would have taken more pictures since so many things bring me happiness.  However, I was able to snap a few pictures of things that bring me true joy.

I always have a stack of books on my nightstand.


And tennis...one of my first true loves.

What says happiness more than a mama snuggling with her baby? Such a sweet capture by my Dad.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Week 13 - Morning

I had several ideas for this week's prompt, but with the rush that goes along with mornings, I forgot to take out my camera every day but one.  On this morning, I was able to sneak up on Bridger doing a little early reading.

I like to do a little reading in the mornings myself.

My Dad's morning consists of freshly gathered eggs and his daily crossword puzzle. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Week 12 - Framing

This picture has brought so much joy to my boys and I this week.  We've made it our screen saver because it makes us smile.  And giggle.  And say, "Ewwww." A lot.  I think my Dad nailed it this week with his cow, perfectly framed within the fence slats.

I have a weakness for goats.  I think it's their adorably floppy ears and how they look like they're smiling.  Look at these cuties.

My boys have been off-track from school for the past three weeks.  I think we've played at nearly every park in the Salt Lake valley.  Even when it hasn't been warm enough, we still sallied forth, so the boys could get their wiggles out.  It was necessary.  Trust me.

We stayed in our pajamas a lot. (And Bridger colored on himself with marker a lot too).

Here's Gannon and Fin, having a moment.

Awww, doggie kisses are the best.