Saturday, August 24, 2013

Visiting Family

In August, the boys and I took a trip to Ontario and Twin Falls to visit the family.  They always have the best time and no matter how long we stay, it never seems to be long enough for them.

Great Grandma Poulsen had a reunion at her house to celebrate the anniversary of Great Grandpa's birthday. If you couldn't guess by looking at Bridger's face, there was cake...

 and lots of fun playing on the slip and slide.

 How many little boys can fit in a tiny toddler pool?

 Looks like there's room to squeeze in a few more.

 Bedhead and breakfast.

 Four-wheeling and Grandpa Richard...just a few of their favorite things!

 Riding Dream Star.

 Grandpa Richard took us to Black Canyon to ride on the jet ski and swim.  So exciting!
They are still taking about it.  Of course, no trip would be complete without a the death.

 Clearly there are no hard feelings.

 Until next time!

Friday, August 16, 2013

To Kick or Not to Kick?

After being dragged along for 4 years to Hayden and Gannon's various sporting events, Bridger finally had his chance to play sports.  He chose soccer and was really pumped about playing on a team.  He was even more jazzed about getting to wear shin guards and cleats.  As everyone well knows, it's all out the outfit.

 However, more often than not, this was his idea of "attacking" the field.

 He'd also run alongside his teammates or the opposing team, cheering them on. His good sportsmanship knew no bounds.

The one thing he didn't do was actually kick the ball.  During the last game, while I was giving him a bit of encouragement, "Take that ball from the other team.  Get in there!", he confided, "I can't.  That would be mean."  Ah, it all made sense.  All that teaching about sharing and not taking things from others HAD sunk in. A little too well, perhaps. We told him the only time it's ok is when you're playing sports, but he didn't look like he was buying it. We'll let him mull that one over and try again next year.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Being Fruitful

We didn't plant our garden this year until June, and seeing as how I don't know what I'm doing, I am amazed that food actually GREW.  Bridger was especially attentive to all the plants and checked on their progress daily.  Such a good little helper! Here are a few products of our labor.

The boys hiding in a camouflage of kale.

The first cucumber.