Friday, April 26, 2013

Birthday Boys

April is an anticipated month at our house, with 2 out of the 3 boys having a birthday.  Bridger turned the big "4" this year and was "willy, willy" happy about this.  He looks dubious in the picture below, but the emotion he was really feeling was elation at such a fantastic cake.  I promise.  This was my first attempt at Mormor's famous Mandarin Orange birthday cake, and although it doesn't look as pretty as hers always did, it tasted delicious.

He's going through a horse phase and wants to know what every horse we see is called.  He'll shout out as we drive past horse pastures, "Mom, that horse has a blaze!" or "Look at that horse's stockings!".

A new helmet to go with his new scooter.  We must protect the ol' noggin.

Bionicles!  We were hoping that by giving him his own, it would stop him from sneaking into Hayden and Gannon's room and stealing their Bionicles.  This kid is as stealthy as a ninja.

Hayden is 9!!  Stop the madness! I know, I can hardly believe it either.  Where has the time gone?  It seems like just yesterday I was sending him off to Kindergarten and now he's reading books like Harry Potter all on his own.

Proud owner of a Flash Rider 360.

Hayden begged to have the same cake that Bridger had, but alas, the second time was not the charm.  The frosting was a little thin and wasn't cooperating and the oranges kept slowly sliding down the sides.  But we carried on anyway and Hayden didn't seem to mind.

Jeremy's birthday was the day of our move in February, hence all the moving boxes in the background.  So festive, I know.  I go all out.

Happy Birthday to all these boys!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I love to see the temple

While unpacking after our move, I came across some boxes of photos that I'd forgotten about.  These little gems from a primary trip to the Denver temple were uncovered.

When we went last year, I'll admit I wasn't looking forwarded to getting the boys all dressed up in Sunday clothes (on a Saturday), driving an hour, and then trying to help them be reverent for an hour tour around the Denver temple grounds.  However, I'm so glad we made the effort because it was a neat experience and strengthened my testimony of the power and purpose of the temple.  To be able to feel the spirit so strongly by just being outside of the temple, it's wonderful to know that even greater blessings await us when we enter the temple.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Kaisa, Keaton and Carter came to visit us for Easter.  We had a fun-filled weekend dying eggs using silk neck ties and natural ingredients like cabbage, turmeric and beets.  Quite the experiment and as you can tell by my expression below, we were shocked at how well the tie's pattern transferred onto the egg.

Here's Kaisa modeling her beautiful egg, wrapped expertly in cabbage leaves.  Notice her stylish belt made from cut up neck ties. Always the fashionista.  On the other hand, please disregard my humongous mu-mu t-shirt that I stole from Jeremy, and that I wear to bed.  Yes, Kaisa got dressed for the day and I did not.  Don't judge me.
Isn't that blue egg awesome? It looks like leaf imprints, but the pattern is from an ugly blue striped tie.  Apparently, the uglier the tie, the better the egg!

The boys displaying our creations.

I'm slightly obsessed with how cool these eggs are.  And the adorable chubby hand that's holding it.

The hunt is on.

Look at that face.  You would never guess what's in store from that sweet innocent look on Keaton's face.  But brace yourself for the next photo...

Ewwwww.  I tried to warn you.  Good thing his grandpa and uncle are dentists because he's going to need it. :)

I'm sorry about all the graphic pictures.  But we were working with FIVE boys...this was bound to happen.

Like I said, just keeping it real.

Carter and Hayden wanted to take pictures of us moms. We started out like this....

And then threw in a few super model poses.  Because we could.

It all went downhill from there...

Kaisa decided to dislodge her jaw for the sake of a fantastic photograph. What a giver.

  Love the little blue eyes peeking over Kaisa's shoulder.

Who are the drama queens here?  We told the boys to give us their best pouting faces and this is what results. Keaton and Carter are quietly sad and Hayden and Gannon are lamenting and wailing as if their toe nails are being pulled off.  What goofballs!