Christmas was a blur for me this year. I look back and don't really remember it happening. It's a good thing I took some pictures, so my boys will have some memories of the day. Sadly, My mom passed away on December 21st, after a year long battle with Pancreatic cancer. Even as I type this, it doesn't seem real that she is no longer here. I'll think of something funny I want to tell her and then all of sudden it dawns on me that I can't just call her up. This has happened repeatedly overly the past month and it shocks me every time when I remember that she is gone.
Even though my heart is heavy, I'm grateful that she isn't suffering any longer, that she is now free from pain, both in body and spirit. I feel eternal gratitude for the Savior. I've always believed in the atonement and thought I understood what it meant. But since my Mom has died, I am achingly aware and have a deeper understanding of what the Atonement means to me personally. I can't adequately express the gratitude I feel to my Savior, that he would suffer and descend below all things and die, so that we might live again and be reunited with our family for eternity. I know that this is true and it brings me immeasurable peace and comfort to know that I will see my mother again.
I was asked to write her life sketch for her funeral. It was such an overwhelming, daunting task, but extremely cathartic at the same time. I spent days reading through 5 binders, filled with her journals and letters from her life. I've read through good portions of these binders in the past, but not all of them completely, and I felt like I really came to know and understand her more as I read about her life in her own words. We had more in common than I ever thought and my one regret is that I never truly appreciated her while she was here.
In reflecting on her life, I remembered so many little things that I loved about her. She was a great listener and seemed to really enjoy it when I told her about something happening in my life. She made me feel like I was witty and interesting and I always knew that if I wanted to share something, she would be a willing ear. I loved her giggle. I mostly told her my stories just so I could hear her laugh. It just kind of bubbled up and her whole face lit up. She never forgot a birthday, even Jeremy's or the boys birthdays. Even when she was in such pain right before she passed away, she still had Gannon's birthday on her mind and she wanted to make sure that she gave him something and that all of the boys had a gift from her on Christmas.
I love her for all of these little things and for her example to me of perseverance, strength and unwavering faith. I feel blessed that she was my mother. I love you, Mom. You will be dearly missed.